What's The Average Amount Of A Car Accident Settlement?

What's The Average Amount Of A Car Accident Settlement?

7 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you've been in a car accident, you're probably wondering how much your claim is worth. The truth is that there's no average or set amount you can expect. It depends on a number of factors.

Damage to Your Car

Damage to your car is the easiest part of your car accident claim. Your insurance company will either pay their own repair shop to fix it or ask you to get a few estimates and pay that amount. If the cost to repair it is more than your car is worth, they'll reimburse you for the value of your car instead. If you're suing rather than going through insurance, the court will similarly ask you for repair bills or estimates or use the book value of your car.

Extent of Your Injuries

For medical bills, there are two things a court can look at. If you've already completed your treatment and have fully recovered, you should expect to receive the full amount of your medical bills. Keep in mind that if your health insurance or car insurance paid some of your bills, they're entitled to get reimbursed if you later sue and recover for the same expenses.

If you need ongoing treatment, you may need to get a doctor to estimate the future cost of your care since the lawsuit may not wait for your treatment to end. The doctor will give their professional opinion about what future care you'll need and the average cost of that care.

Likelihood of Winning in Court

Another important factor in car accident settlements is how likely you are to win in court. Your final settlement is typically a percentage of what you'd be entitled to if you won in court. For example, if you have a 100% chance of winning, you might settle for the full amount. If you have a 50% chance of winning, you might settle for half of what the accident cost you.

Of course, no case is ever guaranteed and your lawyer also can't give you exact odds. Instead, your lawyer can estimate your chances of winning. As they negotiate with the other side, the other side might present evidence or legal arguments that cause your lawyer to revise their estimate. However, it's important to understand that your lawyer is only making a guess based on their prior work with similar cases, and you have the right to decide whether you want to take the offer or go to trial.

To learn more about how much to expect from your car accident case, contact a car accident lawyer today.