What Every SSDI Filer Needs To Know About Reconsideration Reviews

What Every SSDI Filer Needs To Know About Reconsideration Reviews

16 February 2022
 Categories: , Blog

In many cases, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) applicants that get turned down must undergo an interim step before they participate in an appeal hearing. To find out what to expect with this part of the process to gain benefits, read on.

Application Status: Denied

Once you receive a letter in the mail from the Social Security Administration (SSA), know that a denial does not necessarily mean you will never get benefits. Almost all applicants get turned down at first. The key is to keep trying and take advantage of every opportunity you can to get benefits. Carefully note the steps you should take and the dates by which things must be done. Missing the deadline can mean having to start the application process again from the beginning and that could add many months to the process. In some cases, the next step is an appeal hearing, but most will go through a reconsideration review first. 

Being Reconsidered for Benefits

In most cases, the review adds very little time to the process and it's usually a lot quicker than waiting for an appeal hearing. The time your review takes depends on your circumstances. You must fill out an application as part of the review and this is your opportunity to add more information about your case or to address issues from the denial letter. For instance, if you were turned down but your condition has worsened considerably since the date of your initial application, now is the time to let the SSA know about it. Unfortunately, reconsideration reviews are far from successful in many cases. A successful review that leads to benefit approval often hinges on medical conditions getting worse.

Talk to a Social Security Lawyer

Most SSDI applicants need help as they apply for benefits, ask for a review, and appear at the appeal hearing. The SSA recognizes the need for expert help by approving some lawyers to work on these things on your behalf. If you are successful and are approved for benefits, your Social Security attorney, is paid for their time from your back pay. Many SSA claimants are owed back pay and the amounts can be thousands of dollars. Your Social Security lawyer will not only help you with your initial application and your reconsideration review but will attend the appeal hearing and argue on your behalf for the benefits you deserve. To find out more about how a lawyer can help you with your SSDI claim, speak to one today.