Can Posting Videos Online Impact Your Divorce Case?

Can Posting Videos Online Impact Your Divorce Case?

20 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

In today's social media-driven world, it's not uncommon for people to share videos of themselves online. But what you may not realize is that if you're going through a divorce, anything you post could potentially be used against you in court.

Even if you do not use other types of social media, posting videos on some websites could impact your divorce case. Here's what you need to know.

Think Twice Before Posting Innocent Videos

Even if your video doesn't show anything incriminating, the context in which it was shot could be used to paint you in a negative light. For example, if you're seen partying in a video, the court may view you as someone who is irresponsible and not fit to have custody of your children.

Even innocent videos can be misconstrued. For example, you might post a joke video about your ex or your child, and it could be taken as complete truth. In another example, a video about making money could impact your ability to secure spousal support.

Posting Videos Online Could Appear Defamatory

In some cases, posting videos of your ex online could also be considered defamation. If, for example, you post a video that accuses your ex of cheating and you include their name, this could be considered defamation or harassment.

The court takes issues like harassment seriously, especially when there are children involved. Even if you fare well in divorce court, your spouse could sue you for defamation in the future.

Your Online Videos Can Make Your Ex's Divorce Case Stronger

Sometimes, the videos people post online do not work in their own favor as much as they think they will. This could make your case more difficult. For example, your videos could be used to show that you are a high-conflict person or that you are trying to separate your child from their other parent.

For example, if you post a video of you arguing with your ex, the court may view this as evidence that you intend to create conflict. The court often sides with the parent who appears to foster positive family relationships more.

Talk to Your Divorce Lawyer Before You Post Videos At All

Of course, not every video you post will be used against you in court. But it's important to be aware of the potential consequences of posting videos. Speak with your divorce lawyer to make sure that nothing you post online is hurting your case.

Contact a divorce lawyer to learn more.