Three Ways To Prepare For A Virtual Consult With A Probate Attorney

Three Ways To Prepare For A Virtual Consult With A Probate Attorney

22 May 2023
 Categories: , Blog

When a person decides to meet with a probate attorney, they do so because they have a need. For this reason, the goal of the consult is to collect as much information as possible so that they know how to move forward with their matter. In the case of a virtual consult with a probate attorney, a part of accomplishing this goal is being prepared for the meeting. 

Pre-Send Requested Documents

Often, a probate attorney will provide the client with an information or document request sheet. This sheet generally requests specific information about the client, such as their role in the estate, a copy of the will, and even the name of any of the estate's beneficiaries. You need to send this information in on time. 

Typically, the attorney will want to review these facts before the consult. Without this documentation, the attorney can typically only give you general information. It is also worth noting that some attorneys might not meet with clients until they have this information, so it is best to submit everything to avoid delaying the meeting.

Create a Fact Sheet

You can also help yourself by creating a fact sheet. Virtual interactions can be tricky at times because communication may lag, and other time constraints might mean you have limited time to meet. The more readily you can provide details about the estate, the better.

Creating a fact sheet detailing the most important details, such as the types of assets included, the date you were listed as executor, and the value of some of the assets, is a good idea so that you will be able to answer questions more efficiently. 

Prepare Specific Questions

It is helpful to prepare a list of questions you might have beforehand. When you are engaging with the attorney, it is normal to get distracted, which might cause you to forget an important question you want to address. Similar to the fact sheet, preparing a question sheet that you can keep close by will help make the consult more efficient.

Some of the questions you can include involve details about costs associated with the process, your legal responsibility as executor, and what might happen if a beneficiary to the estate decides to contest the will. The goal is to walk away with as much information as possible.

Ensure you are prepared for your virtual consultation to get the most from your meeting and begin the estate settling process. 

For more information, contact a local online probate consultation attorney