4 Mistakes That Can Jeopardize Your Workers' Compensation Claim

4 Mistakes That Can Jeopardize Your Workers' Compensation Claim

28 June 2023
 Categories: , Blog

You may be entitled to benefits if you are injured or become ill at work. However, filing a claim can be daunting, especially if you are unfamiliar with the rules and procedures. Workers make several common mistakes when filing a workers' compensation claim, and it's important to avoid them if you want to guarantee that you'll receive all your benefits.

1. Not Reporting the Injury Quickly

Report the injury as soon as possible. This is not only required by law but also helps to establish the date and cause of your condition and to prevent any disputes or delays in your claim. If you fail to report your injury within the time limit specified by your state, you may lose your right to benefits. After you have been injured, you should tell your employer immediately, and they should then file a claim with their insurance.

2. Not Seeking Medical Attention or Following the Doctor's Orders

Another crucial step in filing a workers' compensation claim is to seek medical attention for your injury and to follow the doctor's orders. This is necessary for your health and recovery, documenting the extent and nature of your condition and proving that it relates to your work.

If you do not seek medical attention or follow the doctor's orders, you may jeopardize your claim or reduce your benefits because the insurance adjuster might believe you were not actually injured at work.

3. Not Keeping Accurate Records or Evidence

A workers' compensation claim requires a lot of paperwork and evidence to support your case. This includes medical records, bills, receipts, prescriptions, reports, statements, correspondence, and other documents showing the details and impact of your injury or illness. If you do not keep accurate records or evidence, you may have difficulty proving your claim or disputing any denials or reductions in your benefits.

4. Not Hiring a Workers' Compensation Attorney

Filing for workers' comp benefits can be complicated and stressful, especially if you encounter any problems or challenges. Hiring an attorney who can guide you through the process, protect your rights, and represent you in any negotiations or hearings is always a good idea.

An attorney can help you avoid mistakes, maximize benefits, and receive fair and timely compensation. Then, you will be able to pay for your medical bills and avoid lost wages. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting the benefits you deserve.

To learn more, contact a workers' compensation law service in your area.