4 Misconceptions About Divorce Mediation

16 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Mediation in divorce cases gets a bad rap. While mediation may sound like a dream, many divorce attorneys try to help their clients see its benefits. Clients may be more willing to work toward mediation if they truly believe in its benefits. But what happens when the benefits are clouded by misconceptions? These are four of the common myths associated with mediation and what you really need to know about the divorce process. Read More …

When Claims Go Wrong: How To Cope With Help From An Expert

17 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Hurt workers are usually provided with a valuable benefits program when they are hurt on the job. Workers' compensation insurance is paid for by your employer and covers medical expenses along with a partial disability wage if you have to take leave from work to recuperate. In some cases, problems with workers' compensation coverage can prevent hurt workers from getting the benefits they need and that might call for the help of a workers' comp lawyer. Read More …

Primary Physical Custody: Is It Right For You?

16 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

For parents in the throes of divorce, custody issues are sure to call out for resolution. The family court system is keenly interested in protecting minor children from the negative effects of divorce — at least, as much as that is possible. To that end, divorcing parents may need to pay close attention to child custody issues and let other things be set aside temporarily. Some parents are sure they will seek sole custody. Read More …

How Much Is Your Motorcycle Accident Worth?

28 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog

When you are involved in a motorcycle accident, you may worry about the financial costs. Whether you have been confined to a hospital bed for months following the accident or you were able to return to work after one month, you have financial burdens and other concerns on your mind. All of this means that you are concerned about your future. You have so much to worry about already, and the value of your case should not be one of them. Read More …

Will The Social Security Administration Check Your Disability?

20 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you become disabled, you may become entitled to Social Security Disability benefits for life. These are similar to the normal retirement benefits except they start when you become disabled rather than you reach a certain age. So is the Social Security Administration going to check your disability to make sure you're entitled to benefits? Normal Application Process The first place the Social Security Administration checks your eligibility for disability benefits is in the normal application process. Read More …