From Contracts to Court: A Website About Attorneys

The Advantages Of Hiring A Knowledgeable Local Coal Miner Attorney

19 July 2021
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After a lifetime of working in the coal mines, you are now confronted with the toll that your career has taken on your health. You may now suffer from serious health complications that threaten to take your life. You also may have sustained injuries that rob you of your mobility and peace of mind. You need an advocate who understands completely what you are going through and can win you the right amount of compensation and justice. Read More …

Do You Need A Lawyer For A Car Accident That Wasn’t Your Fault?

7 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you are involved in an accident that was not your fault, you may wonder whether hiring an auto accident lawyer is necessary. After all, you didn't cause the accident, so you assume everything will proceed in your favor. Unfortunately, that's not always the case. The driver at fault may dispute liability, while the insurance company may refuse to pay or present an offer that does not match the severity of your injuries. Read More …

How Can A DUI Lawyer Help You?

28 April 2021
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What is a DUI? A DUI, or driving under the influence, is a charge received when a driver is caught behind the wheel while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. A DUI charge would be given if your blood alcohol level tested over the legal limit of 0.08%. What is a DUI Lawyer? A DUI lawyer is the type of lawyer that specializes in representing cases regarding DUI charges. A DUI lawyer is expected to be an expert in the DUI laws that pertain to the state they are licensed and practicing in. Read More …

DUI Attorney: Pleading Your Case

15 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

A single DUI violation can change your life. From serious legal and financial consequences to potential discipline at work, DUI citation can be nightmarishly haunting. A DUI lawyer can help plead your case with the courts and protect you from unlawful disciplinary measures at work. Contesting in Court Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a serious lapse of judgment. Your DUI lawyer can help you come to terms with your mistake and plead for leniency in court. Read More …

Reasons Why You Need A Social Security Attorney

2 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Pursuing disability benefits can be a daunting task for many. You have to deal with a complex disability process, financial worries, and your medical condition as well. On top of that, there's a lot of uncertainty about whether your claim will be approved, with reports showing that nearly 70% of social security disability (SSD) claims are declined at the initial application stage. For these reasons, it's advisable to hire a social security attorney to help in building a solid case. Read More …